Buttercrunch/Butternut Lettuce
Lactucu sativa
Tender, tasty, hearting, butter-lettuce with silky, delightful, green leaves. Harvest as baby leaves or whole heads. Easy to grow in fertile soil in full sun.
Sow shallowly, direct or in punnets and cover seeds lightly - lettuce needs a little light and temperatures under 20ºC to germinate well, space seeds 5cm apart, thin or plant out to 20cm spacings and eat or replant thinnings.
60+ seeds
Lactucu sativa
Tender, tasty, hearting, butter-lettuce with silky, delightful, green leaves. Harvest as baby leaves or whole heads. Easy to grow in fertile soil in full sun.
Sow shallowly, direct or in punnets and cover seeds lightly - lettuce needs a little light and temperatures under 20ºC to germinate well, space seeds 5cm apart, thin or plant out to 20cm spacings and eat or replant thinnings.
60+ seeds
Lactucu sativa
Tender, tasty, hearting, butter-lettuce with silky, delightful, green leaves. Harvest as baby leaves or whole heads. Easy to grow in fertile soil in full sun.
Sow shallowly, direct or in punnets and cover seeds lightly - lettuce needs a little light and temperatures under 20ºC to germinate well, space seeds 5cm apart, thin or plant out to 20cm spacings and eat or replant thinnings.
60+ seeds